Thursday, January 7, 2010

Flow Watch 2010

I hearby declare Flow Watch 2010 commence!

I don't think I have been this anxious to get a period since I had that little scare in highschool.


After consulting with some of the wisest women I know (BOTB 4EVER), I am leaning towards letting my period come naturally.

Don't get it twisted people, I am all for drugs in the right situation. (does anyone else not feel right even saying the phrase "the situation" anymore?)
Anyway, I don't think this is one of those situations.

Also, I am worried about the fact that Dr. JustRelax didn't mention anything about monitoring me on clomid, and that he hasn't done any testing.

So, friends, I think my days with Dr. JustRelax are numbered.

I can say with certainty that I will be charting again next cycle.


I HATE charting. I LOATHE it. Almost as much as I hate TTC.

Alas, it is the only way to know if I am ovulating for sure. AND bonus! I can stop using the devil CBEFM.

Readers, you are in for a treat.

I forsee a lot of bitching about charting in the near future. That is if my stubborn uterus ever decides to bleed.

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